Jumat, 10 Februari 2017

Little Qiya (9)

Little Qiya

Little Qiya is 3,5 years old now. He is so adorable. He is cute and smart.
When I ask him yo take bath he will refuse with thousands of excuse.

Everyday I became his storyteller, he loves storytelling. Now his favourite one is Keti and Unti Unta.

Sometime when I tell story to my childrwn in class he will answer what he knew. He memorize >20 ayat of ar rahman and an naba.

Me and my husband communicate him. How to handle his disagree. Not easy but must try.

Hopefully ya Allah ... He will grow independently. Aamiin.

#hari 9
#tantangan 10 hari
#komunikasi produktif
#kuliah bunsay2 IIP

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